Saturday 13 July 2013

Getting Pregnant


Though getting pregnant seems easy, the process often requires exquisite timing. Normally, it takes several months or sometimes even years to get pregnant.
Most women do not conceive on their first try. Women under 30 usually conceive after trying for 12 to 18 months. Statistics show that only 25% of women become pregnant after their first cycle. Around 60% women conceive within the first six months, 75% within nine months, and 90% of them conceive within 18 months.
Understanding your fertility cycle is the first and key step to pregnancy. In most women, if the cycle is regular, ovulation period occurs between the 11th and 21st day of the cycle. The fertile period for getting pregnant begins 4 to 5 days before ovulation and lasts 1-2 days after it. One has the maximum possibility of conceiving on the day just before and after the ovulation.
A healthy lifestyle is essential as preparation for getting pregnant. You should quit smoking, drinking, and using drugs. It is estimated that smoking can reduce the chance of getting pregnant by 40%. High alcohol consumption can also cause infertility among men and women. It reduces the normal hormone production, which inhibits fertility. Recreational drugs like cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and barbiturates can also reduce the chances of getting pregnant.
You should always maintain an ideal weight. Overweight or underweight women find it difficult to conceive. You should also follow a healthy diet. According to the FDA, all women attempting pregnancy should consume a good amount of folic acid supplements. Moreover, you should limit the intake of caffeine. FDA has reported that women who drink more than 100mg of caffeine/day take more than a year to conceive.
Severe stress and depression can also reduce your chances of getting pregnant. This is because high levels of stress affect the normal functioning of the hypothalamus, which controls your hormone production. Thus, it can delay the ovulation time, which in turn delays the chances of conceiving.
Pregnant [] provides detailed information on Pregnant, Am I Pregnant?, How To Get Pregnant, Signs Of Being Pregnant and more. Pregnant is affiliated with Ovulation And Conception.

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Five Best Sexual Positions to Get Pregnant Fast


Before we get to discussing the best position to get pregnant, let's get one important thing straight first: you can get pregnant in any position-man on top, woman on top, standing, sitting, lying down or on all fours. Pregnancy happens when the male sperm enters the woman's vagina and meets up with an egg on its way to the uterus up the fallopian tube. Ideally, this is possible with any sexual position that you assume.
Unfortunately, however, some couples do find it hard to conceive for several reasons, including weak or insufficient sperm count. In some cases, as when nature needs a boost, a little push from you and your partner can go a long way in getting pregnant. When it comes to the best position to get pregnant, the general rule is that the male sperm must be deposited as near to the female cervix as possible.
This has something to do with the life spans of the female egg and the male sperm. Once an egg is released from the ovary-a stage also known as ovulation-it begins its path down the fallopian tube to the uterus. A released egg typically survives for only 24 hours, while a sperm can last anywhere from three to five days in the female body. As such, the egg has to be as close to the egg as possible so they can meet and join before the egg dies.
While not a lot of people will agree that the sexual positions have anything to do with getting pregnant, the logical inference is that it makes sense to assume the position that can help the sperm meet the egg in the shortest possible time.
This is especially true when for couples who have problems or difficulty conceiving. Having said this, the first "best position to get pregnant" tip is to avoid positions that least expose the cervix to the male sperm, and that generally defy gravity such as sex while standing up, sitting down, or with the woman on top. When trying to conceive, it is best to limit the amount of sperm that flows back out of the vagina.
The woman's hips should also be positioned in such a way that the sperm released is kept inside, giving it enough time to swim up to the female cervix.
Consider the following positions instead:
1. The missionary position, or man-on-top, is said to be the position that's best for getting pregnant. This is because this particular position allows for the deepest possible penetration, making it possible for the sperm to get deposited closest to the cervix.
2. Elevating the hips, which can be done by placing a pillow behind her, can also be helpful because this exposes the female cervix to as much semen as the male can release.
3. The rear-entry position where the man enters the woman from behind is also a recommended position. In this position, sperm is also deposited closest to the cervix, thereby helping increase the chances of conception.
4. You can also try having intercourse while lying side by side. This position likewise causes the most exposure of the cervix to the male sperm.
5. Finally, while this has nothing to do with sexual positions, there are also researches that suggest the importance of the female orgasm in conceiving. According to studies, female orgasm leads to contractions that could push sperm up into the cervix. The lesson: have fun while trying to conceive.
Instantly download a free presentation on how to increase your fertility in less than 7 days, plus, get rid of any infertility myths in the future, then go to and discover how you can quickly do both without expensive drugs with their horrible side effects.

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Getting Pregnant With PCOS - What You Need To Know


If you have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, then you may be wondering how to get pregnant with PCOS. Women who suffer from PCOS find it difficult to conceive and become pregnant. However, that does not mean women with PCOS cannot get pregnant. It will just be difficult, but not impossible.
Many women have tried using vitamins and supplements or tried to lose weight and have a healthier diet to reduce the symptoms. While these may help in relieving symptoms, they do not guarantee conception. If you want better chances of conceiving, here are a few tips and treatment options to help you.
There are certain medications the doctor may prescribe to help you conceive. These medications help promote ovulation by regulating the menstrual cycle to have an exact date when you are most fertile. Clomiphene citrate is one that the doctor may prescribe such as Clomid or Serophene. According to some studies, 70% of women with PCOS who took either medication showed positive results and were able to conceive.
Some doctors may prescribe other medications such as metformin or gonadotropins in conjunction with Clomid to further increase the chances of conceiving.
Losing weight is another method many women with PCOS can try to get pregnant. This may sound impossible because one of the most common symptoms of PCOS is actually gaining weight. However, it is still possible for women with PCOS to actually lose weight and make it easier for them to conceive.
Too much fat in the body can cause hormonal imbalance which is a common trait for all women with PCOS. This is why they need to lose weight. This is to help the body regulate and normalize the levels of hormones in the body. But, you should remember that this should be a major lifestyle change and not just something you will do today because you want to get pregnant.
Women with PCOS have very low estrogen levels, which is why conceiving is very difficult for them. This results in irregular periods and infertile egg cells. While losing weight may help greatly in regulating your hormones, it should be incorporated with a diet to boost its effects.
Some foods you should eat more include: legumes and beans; hormone-regulating vegetables such as carrots, beets, tomatoes, and eggplant; and, fruits such as apples, plums, dates, and cherries.
There are also certain foods you should avoid such as: fruits like berries, pineapple, and melon; vegetables like onions, squash, and broccoli; and, eating too much red meat.
One of the best ways to normalize and regulate the amount of hormones in the body is ultimately, to relax. When one is stressed out, the body releases too much hormones causing an imbalance in the body. Relax and de-stress. This will help calm your body down and regulate you hormones to help you get pregnant.
Women with PCOS should not be afraid of the question how to get pregnant with PCOS. These tips prove that even if you have PCOS it is not impossible to get pregnant. But always remember to consult with your OB-Gyn first before doing anything to help you understand your situation better and to help you conceive as well.
Discover how to get pregnant with pcos at and find out how you can finally have the baby you always wanted.

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Getting Pregnant With PCOS - It Is Possible


Can women with PCOS get pregnant? If you are suffering from PCOS, you may have asked yourself this question at some point. If you have PCOS, then your reproductive system is not functioning normally because PCOS affects your fertility and your ovulation.
However, one must note that despite of the difficulties caused by PCOS, it doesn't make conception impossible. Women with PCOS can still get pregnant. It may difficult and challenging but it is still possible to conceive.
First of all, before any treatment and medications are prescribed, patients must understand first what the condition is all about. This will help them understand how certain medications and treatment options can help with their condition and potentially help them conceive as well.
PCOS is a condition that affects the reproductive system of a woman. It can:
  • Obstruct regular menstrual cycle
  • Prevent pregnancy
  • Cause hormonal imbalance
  • Affect your appearance (i.e. severe hormonal acne due to hormonal imbalance and underdeveloped breasts due to low levels of estrogen)
  • Increase androgen levels in the body (male hormones such as testosterone)
  • Infrequent and missed periods
  • Cause small cysts in the ovaries.
The ovaries of a woman consist of tiny fluid-filled sacs known as follicles or cysts wherein the egg cells produced. As the egg grows and matures, the follicle or the cyst tends to grow bigger and accumulate egg cells. As the egg cells ripen, the follicle will break open and release the egg cells to travel on the fallopian tube and reach the uterus to become fertilized. This process is what we know as ovulation.
The process mentioned above is the normal cycle of the reproductive system of a woman and how the egg cells become fertilized. But for women with PCOS, the body cannot produce the amount of hormones needed for the egg cells to fully mature. This only causes the follicles to build up and accumulate egg cells but they will not break and release the egg cells; they just remain as follicles and thereby become cysts.
For that reason, ovulation in women with PCOS does not occur and progesterone is not formed. Progesterone is the hormone responsible for a regular menstrual cycle and without it, women will experience no period at all. This is why women with PCOS find it hard to conceive or get pregnant.
Nowadays, there are many treatment options for women with PCOS. However, it is highly encouraged that you consult with your OB-Gyn first before deciding on a treatment. This is so you are sure that the treatment plan is safe for you, the most effective for your condition, and can really help you conceive.
Fertility medications are one of the most prevalent treatment options these days. These medications help promote and stimulate ovulation making women with PCOS fertile. Clomiphene, Metformin, and Gonadotropins are just some of the medications you may encounter.
Women with PCOS should not be afraid of their condition. PCOS may inhibit pregnancy but it can definitely be treated and managed. Talk with your doctor if you think you may be suffering from this and want to get pregnant.
You will find that getting pregnant with pcos is not as difficult as many people thin. Visit to discover the best ways for getting pregnant naturally with pcos.

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How Do You Increase Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant?


Sure, any smart aleck will tell you to get into the sack with your partner if you want to get pregnant. The problem is that some couples wait months, even years before they conceive, if at all. If you keep seeing a negative result on a pregnancy test, and there is nothing physically wrong with you, there are many ways to increase your chances of conception naturally.
Learn From Your Body
Your own body can tell you when your chances of getting pregnant are highest during your monthly cycles. A lot of women report a heightened sense of smell at the time of ovulation and increased libido.
Moreover, you will also notice cervical discharge that is thin in consistency and sticky in nature. If you maintain a basal body temperature chart, you will see a rise in temperature just prior to ovulation.
Follow these hints and perform frequent intercourse at or around ovulation to maximize your chances of getting pregnant.
Try different positions during lovemaking, and make sure to lie down in bed for about 15 minutes afterward.
Lifestyle Improvements
One great way to improve your chances of conception (in the absence of any fertility aid) is regular physical activity. Moderate exercise like yoga, swimming or jogging helps in the maintenance of normal body weight and metabolism.
Moreover, it also helps in relieving stress and increases oxygen delivery to different tissues in the body, including your reproductive organs.
Other lifestyle modifications include:
  • Living a low-stress lifestyle by practicing meditation, certain hobbies like gardening and living a green lifestyle. This is because stress disturbs the conversion of reproductive hormones like progesterone into stress hormones like cortisol that alters blood biochemistry.
  • Certain habits like consumption of alcohol, cigarette smoking and illicit drugs hamper your reproductive processes. Nicotine, in particular, damages cell walls and causes problems in menstruation in women, and increased impotence in men.
Physical activity is very important for fertility, but avoid vigorous exercise or work-out sessions when you are planning to conceive.
Healthy Nutrition
Nutrition is the most important aspect that determines your fertility, since your body requires essential vitamins and minerals to synthesize different enzymes that enhance reproductive functions within the body.
Healthy nutrition refers not only to what you eat, but how much. Both over-eating and starvation are equally bad for reproductive health.
To further increase your chances of getting pregnant:
  • Increase the consumption of fresh fruits and organic vegetables that are rich in natural vitamins, minerals and fiber content.
  • Consume grass-fed meat and free-range poultry products that are free from artificial hormones and chemicals.
  • Limit meat consumption to about 2-3 servings per week, as excessive animal proteins disrupts healthy ovulation.
  • Replace animal protein with vegetable-based protein, such as beans and legumes.
  • Increase full-fat dairy products like hormone-free milk and ice cream.
Avoid soy, foods with trans fats, processed foods, and sugary beverages.
Nutritional Supplements:
A lot of fertility experts and healthcare providers have agreed that the average Western diet is deficient in some micro-nutrients that may affect the ability to conceive babies. That's why you should take some nutritional supplements to enhance reproductive capability. Consult your doctor on what type of supplements and vitamins to take. Any supplement should at least contain folic acid, which is vital for a baby's development.
Also focus on dietary sources of natural minerals and micro-nutrients like zinc and magnesium. These are found in broccoli, olives, peaches, spinach, lentils, beets and beans.
All these tips will definitely help you in improving your chances of getting pregnant. Make sure to stay in touch with your primary care physician for any further advice or help.
Chris is a father of two wonderful children and infertility survivor. He and his wife decided not to go the fertility treatment route, opting instead for natural solutions and lifestyle changes. He has a website at You can also hang out and read his posts at G+.

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